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[ Đăng ngày: 20/07/2017 ]
  • Combination of cognitive and quantitative aspects to estimate the degree of emotions/ Manh Hung Nguyen.- Tr. 209-224.
  • A novel integtion of – type fuzzy lgic controllers and devices to maintain the network frquency of a large – scale power system/ Vu Duy Thuan, Nguyen Ngoc Khoat, Hoang Ngoc Nhan, Thai Quang Vinh, Ngo Si Tan.- Tr. 225-241.
  • Real time table detection using accelerometer information and organized point cloud data from kinect sensor/ Hùng Van Le, Hai Vu, Nguyen Thi Thuy.- Tr. 243-258.
  • An evaluation method ror unsupvised anomaly detechtion algorithms/ Huy Van Nguyen, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Quang Uy Nguyen.- Tr. 259-272.
  • Charaterizations for several classes of alternative codes/ Ngo Thi Hien.- Tr. 273-283.